Tuesday, November 20, 2012

GIKI Holds the 13th All Pakistan Competition Softcom

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute (GIKI) organized the 13th All Pakistan competition "Softcom", which concluded on Sunday and attracted students from across the country to take part in different modules. 

The event was originated by tech talk in which various specialized gurus shared their ideas and encounters. The tech talk was followed by Pring mobile software release and Pring Raven API guide. At the end the 36 hours PringHackathon was started. 

This time it succeeded in gathering over 250 intelligent and motivated engineering students and giving birth to innovative ideas, immaculate solutions and immense sense of positive competition. The 3 days event was filled with fun, enjoyment, thrill and competition. 

The second day started with Quiz competition in which different computing geeks participated to take the lead.Followed by quiz competition; was the web app development competition which was held in collaboration with Walnut Media in which participants were asked to develop a social media app.In speed programming competition, different coders competed to become one of the fastest coder of the country.The startup competition also started on the same day in which different teams exhibit their visionary and entrepreneur skills. 

On the third day Poster Design competition started in which participants were asked to develop a poster of a hypothetical feature of a gadget. Software and multimedia competition was also conducted which includes the development of websites and graphical animations.The final presentation of social media apps and PringHackathon were also conducted on the same day. The project exhibition was also there in which institutes from all around the countrydisplayed their innovative and exuberant ideas.It all ends with a closing ceremony in which president of ACM-GIKI AmmadIlyas and event coordinator Mr.Zaid-ur-Rehman concluded the ceremony. 

Via Business Recorder

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